Two bibles from London – more than thousand years old – in the Berlin Bode-Museum

Artguardian Currently at the special exhibition “ONE GOD – Abraham’s Legacy on the Nile” in the Berlin Bode-Museum two more than thousand years old bibles from the London British Library have been monitored in their glass cabinet by the ArtGuardian System.

These are firstly the “First Gaster-Bible“, (900 bis 1000 AD), one of the earliest Jewish illuminated manuscripts and secondly the Karaite Book of Exodus, (1005 AD) from Egypt. Both are loans from the British Library Board given.

These loans could be facilitated only using the ArtGuardian System. The British Library has set the precondition to be able to check the climate condition within the closed glass cabinet remotely. Using the ArtGuardian System the conservators responsible for the Bibles in London can check the climate conditions within the glass cabinet in Berlin in real-time, would be alarmed via mail immediately in case of any limit violation.